
Being Canadian California always represented a magical place to thaw. Winter is almost over and looking back on this trip keeps me nice and warm.

Salvation Mountain lived up to its name. Created by Leonard Knight this was his tribute to god. I feel like this is the closest I’ll ever get to experiencing something similar to Burning Man. FYI I was fully clothed the entire time.

The last time I went To California I was on an Epic motorcycle trip with my friend Rey. Joshua Tree was high on our list however Big Sur took over and we never made it. This time I made it!

As a father I sometimes feel like I have to show that I understand certain things but Joshua Tree kept me in state of uncertainty, not in a bad way. It’s just that I felt like I was always looking for a price tag to be hanging off the styrofoam boulders or the fake trees. Such a beautifully strange installation. 

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